My scammers tactics, the person exposed and tips to make sure you never get scammed using online dating platforms or social media sites to find a life partner.
I feel so ashamed and beaten writing this post. But I wrote
it because I had to bring it to your notice so you can be more alert to
scamming on, learn of new techniques they are using
to scam people and to make sure the person who scammed me is never able to scam
someone else again on this website.
I am the owner and Administrator
Now you understand why I feel so ashamed that this happened to me of all
people. I mean I was the one that wrote the article about online dating safety
tips where I gave several tips for protecting yourself against scammers when
using this website. So for this to happen to me is just humiliating. But as
humiliating as it is, it came with the lesson that no one is above the scammers
ever changing tactics. Even the best of us can be lured and lose our hard
earned money so fast to some lazy heartless group of Nigerians. We are all
I would never have thought I could be scammed by a member of
my own website and that it would be so easy to do. But it happened to me.
Someone duped me of N29, 040 on this website. And I was the one that used my two legs to go
to the bank and deposit that money for them.
With this post I am exposing myself to lots of criticisms
and I thought about it hard before deciding to go ahead and write this post. I
refuse to be quiet about it. This site is a project close to my heart. It was
born out of a personal challenge. Although I have written some articles
offering advice on how to play safe using this website including the article I
linked to above, I am sure many users of this website don’t even read them
before creating a profile on this website. So I’m hoping writing about how I
was scammed will get members of the site to be more careful and remind them of measures
to take when they sense they are dealing with a scammer.
Melvin ojims