Saturday 15 August 2015

My True Nigerian Online Scam Story – Scammer Photos Bank Details And More

Posted By: Miss Diva - Saturday, August 15, 2015

His Scamming Tactic

The day after replying to his email he called me; that was on Sunday September 13th 2015. The incoming call displayed no number. During that call he said he was returning to Nigeria in two weeks that he was coming for the purpose of starting arrangements to settle down. He then started to ask if I wanted anything. That there were some things being auctioned or so in US and he could get me some. I’m not the Asking or Demanding type. I’m the ‘get me a gift if you want to’ kind of girl. But he pressed on and started to ask if I wanted a phone, laptop and asked for my shoe size. I told him my shoe size and sent some measurements. He said the items were going to be sent by American Cargo. And he would be sending some of his luggage home too. And that they would arrive on Tuesday, which was the 15th of September 2015.

I said okay. Few hours later he sent me lots of pictures supposedly of himself. I have attached these pictures below.

Putting together all the information he had provided, now with these very cute pictures he sent, it was hard not to pay attention. Although I kept my cool forced myself not to think about the whole thing too much. I have learned not to think much of anyone I had not met in person. As for the items he talked about, I weren’t really expecting them. Especially because he wasn’t really communicating much with me after that first call and I didn’t really care.

However on Tuesday morning, September 15th, 2015 I woke up to a text message with the name CARGO.USA. The message read:

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