Saturday 15 August 2015

My True Nigerian Online Scam Story – Scammer Photos Bank Details And More

Posted By: Miss Diva - Saturday, August 15, 2015
Dear Customer, your package have just arrived Nigeria. Sent from Patrick u.s.a to you items include:
1 Digital Camera, 1 used laptop, 1 used ipad, 1 used blackberry, 3 female hand bags, 7 jeans, 6 gowns, 7 top shirt, 1 Samsung galaxy, 8 pairs of shoes, 1 gold chain, 2 wrist watch, 2 female make up kits and 3 human hair. Visit our website at and our phone number is 081-2243-1490 or 080-7548-2630. Please make sure you come and pick up today to avoid charges.

The first thing that came to my mind was ‘why so many things?!’ He only talked to me about phone, laptop and jeans. And why do I need an ipad and Galaxy? Aren’t they both tablets?
But I got up from bed anyway and called the number. And a woman picked up and asked me to come to Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Cargo section. I thought that was in Lagos. So I said I’ll be there. And asked if there was anything I’ll need to present. She said yes, I’ll need to present the tracking number. I then contacted my supposed sender who identified himself to me from his first email as Patrick to give me the tracking number. He gave me this number:


I read the number out to the so called Cargo agent and she confirmed it. But when I tried to confirm from her the address I was going to pick up the package she said the International airport was in Abuja. I told her I was in Lagos and that there was no way I could be in Abuja that day. She said they couldn’t keep the package. I told her I can have a friend in Abuja pick it up. She said that wasn’t allowed that they wouldn’t be able to track it so they didn’t allow it. And if they keep it I would have to pay charges. But that I also had the option of paying to have the package put on a flight to Lagos and sent to me. I asked how much will that cost me and she said N29, 040.

I contacted Patrick. And told him about the issue. He immediately called me and apologized for the inconvenience and said he mistakenly gave them a wrong zip code so the items arrived in Abuja. And that I should pay them that once I get the package I can sell the ipad and get my money back and he’ll get me another one when coming back to Nigeria. I really was tight on money. At this point I was thinking of ignoring the so called package. But then I thought what if the package was actually there. So I said I would send the money. She asked me to send my details. Full name and home address for the delivery so they can record it and once I send the money they will have the package in the next flight. I struggled and came up with the money. The woman sent me an account number to pay the money into. It was a Business account with Eco bank with the name SUNGRA ITED. Account Number 3202023513. 

Continue Reading ...I Realized I was being Scammed But it was Too Late!


Click Here To Start Reading The Story From The Beginning


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